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The New Website of
Krandienst Schulz

startseite von krandienst schulz im laptop handy und tablet mockup

The Briefing

Krandienst Schulz has been a well-established provider of crane services and transportation in Northern Germany for nearly 50 years. To modernise their digital presence, the company required a complete redesign of their outdated website. Their aim was to create an online presence that reflects the expertise and versatility of Krandienst Schulz. The goal was to develop an appealing and user-friendly website that clearly and concisely presents all relevant information.

As part of the redesign, Krandienst Schulz placed special emphasis on an optimised careers section to attract potential applicants and to be easily discoverable through Google for Jobs. Additionally, dedicated subpages for their various locations were to be created. A blog section, the "Schulz Report," was also introduced, allowing the company to independently publish news and project updates.
Web Development, Copy Writing
Concept & Development
browser mockup zeigt webseite vor redesignbrowser mockup zeigt webseite nach redesign

Our Approach

Customized Design
Location Pages
News Area
Career Page
bildschirmfoto von adobe xd mit krandienst schulz screendesign
laptop und handy mockup zeigen standortseiten von krandienst schulz
laptop und handy mockup zeigen newsseite von krandienst schulz
laptop und handy mockup zeigen karriereseite von krandienst schulz

Our Development Standard

Certain aspects are always part of our web development services.
Responsive Design & Mobile Optimization
Consideration of OnPage SEO Factors
Optimization for Fast Loading Time
Application of the User-friendly CMS WordPress
In-depth Testing of the Website

The Result

The new website for Krandienst Schulz impresses with its modern design and subtle illustrations. The chosen background colours—black, orange, and grey—create a dynamic yet professional appearance. The choice of text colours, either white or black, ensures optimal readability and visual harmony.

The careers section was specifically optimised to rank well on Google for Jobs, highlighting the benefits for potential employees. This helps Krandienst Schulz attract qualified candidates. The "Schulz Report" enables the company to independently publish news and project updates, enhancing customer engagement and increasing visibility.

The clearly and understandably presented services provide interested parties with a quick overview of Krandienst Schulz's extensive offerings. Modern design elements, subtle illustrations, and a slight grunge effect in the backgrounds give the site a contemporary and inviting aesthetic. The new website for Krandienst Schulz conveys the company's values and reinforces its position as a reliable and modern service provider in the Hamburg area.
We Have Convinced You?

Get in touch now!

Tell us more about your company and your goals. Together we will find the perfect solutions for your new website. Schedule a free consultation now.
Your Personal Contact
Alexander Fichtl
alex kontur