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Full Service for Dentist's Practice 
Ghafoor & Kollegen

The Briefing

ghafoor zahn
The established dental practice Ghafoor & Kollegen in Hamburg-Eppendorf, consisting of a team of eight experienced dentists and dental assistants, is a specialist in general and aesthetic dentistry. With state-of-the-art treatment methods and a strong focus on patient-orientated, individual care, the practice sets new standards in dental care.

XPERIENTS has been supporting the dental practice with a full-service approach since the practice was founded and has been fully supporting the dental practice Ghafoor & Kollegen since 2022 - from logo and business cards to the creation of medical history forms and the development of their website. XPERIENTS is your specialist for healthcare and medical practices.
Note: The client website is only available in German.
2022 – today
Logo Design, Web Development, Copy Writing, Graphic Design
Concept & Execution
But what does the client say?
»As part of our new practice opening, we were able to hand over the development of our new website and many print projects to the Xperients team. We are more than satisfied with the results thanks to their comprehensive professional support and many years of industry expertise. A first-class agency for medical professionals!«
Zobair Lais Ghafoor
Dentist & Owner, Dentist's Practice Ghafoor & Kollegen
quote icon weiß

The Logo

ghafoor logoghafoor logo symbol

The Color World

ghafoor farben

The Typography

ghafoor ueberschrift
ghafoor headline
ghafoor text
ghafoor body

The Icons for Paediatric Dentistry

ghafoor icons

The Website

ghafoor und kollegen referenz screens

The Medical History Form

ghafoor anamnesebogenghafoor stricheghafoor hintergrund striche

The Letterhead

ghafoor briefpapierghafoor hintergrund striche

The Practice Sign

The Business Cards

ghafoor visitenkarte vorneghafoor visitenkarte hinten
We have convinced you?

Get in touch now!

Tell us more about your company and your goals. Together we will find the perfect solutions for your new website. Schedule a free consultation now.
Your Contact Person
Alexander Fichtl
alex kontur